I’ve been dedicating some time lately to recapping benefits with Members, and one of the things we always talk about is how to advertise and market their business through the Chamber. This month, I want to direct your attention to the numerous types of ads the Chamber offers and how you, our valued Members, might utilize these to promote and highlight your business. Below is an overview of some of the advertising options, but it is by no means a finite list. Let us work with you to help design your custom advertising plan!
Invest in Marketing
New this year, we are launching some customized ‘add-on’ membership options, aptly called “Invest in Networking” and “Invest in Marketing”. These add-ons are tailored to the Members’ experiences and those wishing to get a plethora of advertising benefits including:
- Social media story business feature
- Business listed in the Member Spotlight email with logo & business description
- 25% off a ribbon cutting or $100 advertising credit
- 10% discount on all website advertising opportunities
- The choice between two: a one-month website ad (event & programs calendar page, Career Hub page, or on our Membership Application), one Thought Leader Blog, or one Sponsored Social post
The “Invest in Marketing” option is $550 per year and the value of these benefits far outweighs the price. I, along with the Membership team at the Chamber, would be delighted to help you add these benefits to your existing Membership. Please reach out to me at sarah@naperville.net if interested.
Business & Community Resource Guide
(click to view the 2022 Digital Business & Community Resource Guide)
Unlike many Chambers, which produce only a multiyear directory, the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce produces this luxury lifestyle publication every year. This publication, with the help of Chamber resources such as the Ambassadors, reaches thousands of community members via print and 24/7 digital access. This is a high-exposure, engaging, and readable way to place your business in front of consumers. Not only are you featured at least twice in the publication (so please make sure your business details are current), you have the added ability to purchase advertising that lives within this piece. Advertising interest for the 2023 Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Business & Community Resource Guide may be directed to Michael Holmes, Project Manager, Town Square Publications at mholmes@tspubs.com.
A Chambertisement is a one-time e-blast with the Member’s choice of artwork, subject line, and link back to their business. As an organization with 1,100 Members, we have access to over 7,200 business professionals’ email addresses, making this form of advertising very impactful. A Chambertisement is an ideal advertisement for those wishing to get in front of a large digital audience. Creative work should be received one week prior to launch, so please plan accordingly when you need to get your word out.
The Current
The Current is a monthly email (which you are reading right now!) that is sent directly to over 7,200 business professionals. Advertisers may link their ads back to their homepages to help drive traffic directly to the source. With three choice levels of pricing and six placement opportunities for this advertising option, these ads are an affordable and prime placement to be seen.
Website Advertising
In addition to the three options previously mentioned, the NACC also offers Website Leaderboard Ads – available on The Programs and Events Calendar (our most viewed page), Business Directory, Career Hub, Membership Application, or the NACC Homepage.
Social Media Advertising
Sponsored Social Posts and #TipTuesday sponsorship are a great way to expand your audience through the NACC social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Advertising is a key way for the Chamber to move your Business Forward. For further information and questions about advertising, please contact Kelli Keyzers, Director of Marketing & Communications kkeyzers@naperville.net