Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You

The Member Info Hub offers an abundance of Member-related information to share with the public, with our Membership, and with the Community.

The information and updates that you provide us in the way of Community Events, Career and Job Openings, Member-to-Member Offers, Special Offers, and Member News feeds onto our website. This means that this information not only allows us and other Members to get to know you, but it also means added exposure for your business in the community. We are often asked by the press for businesses that conduct themselves in certain ways. Providing this information helps Chamber staff connect media and other business leaders with you.

One of the additional ways we are hoping to be a conduit for you and your business is by asking you to provide additional details about how you run your business and who you are as individuals. With this in mind, we recently added fields to your Member Info Hub. We are asking all of our Members to visit the “My Info” section of the Member Info Hub and then click the heading “Related Businesses.” Within this section are important topics that we would like to know about your business, such as which county you’re located in, if you are a veteran-owned, woman-owned, or minority-owned business, and how many full and part-time employees you have.

Why is this information important? Knowing this data is going to help us tailor our Memberships to our collective Members, as well as customize our communication and outreach appropriately.

When you have a few minutes, please fill in these fields so we can get to know you, and get to know all about you! Should you need any assistance, please reach out to our Director of Membership, Sarah Catarozzoli Andrusyna at

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