Whether celebrating a grand opening, moving to a new location, or recently joining the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce – a ribbon cutting celebrates these significant business milestones for Members.
What We Do
- Arrange for a Naperville City Official, the Chamber President or Chairman of the Board, or another dignitary to officiate. (We can not guarantee the attendance of the Mayor, it is only a request)
- Contact Chamber Ambassadors, TEAMs Members, Chamber Board & Staff to encourage their attendance
- Supply notice of your Ribbon Cutting in Chamber communications and on the Chamber website
- Provide “official” scissors and ribbon for the cutting ceremony
- Take photo(s) to post to Chamber social media, as well as to share with local media
- Provide business owner/ representative up to five minutes on a microphone to promote the business’ moment in the sun
Helpful Links
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Booking & Celebration Guidelines
- Ask Us About Preferred Catering Partners

Want to book a Ribbon Cutting?
For more information, email ribboncutting@naperville.net