We believe in commerce.
Through our advocacy efforts, we are both a calming stabilizer and passionate advocates.
Legislative Priorities
1. Taxation
We support and promote a competitive and fair tax climate.
A competitive and fair federal, state, and local tax code that encourages and rewards entrepreneurship and investment is essential to the economic health of our region.
2. Education and Workforce Development
We support and promote an education system and/ or other initiatives that produce and sustain a qualified workforce.
Recognizing that a high-quality workforce contributes to the economic development and strength of our community, the Chamber proactively supports an accountable and competent education system that produces and sustains a workforce capable of adapting to the changing labor market.
3. Infrastructure
We support and promote improvements to our region’s infrastructure.
Remaining a key transportation hub for the nation is crucial to the economic vitality of Illinois. The problems that adversely affect the quality and capacity of Illinois’ transportation infrastructure are extensive, increasing, and costing Illinois businesses. Fixing this requires a comprehensive strategy and adequate funding from all levels of government.
4. Reduce Legal & Regulatory Burdens on Business
We support and promote a competitive business climate.
Businesses face enough challenges when they open their doors, a common-sense approach to regulatory, labor/employment policies and other business burdens is critical to sustaining a positive environment for business development and job growth. The Chamber proactively supports reforms that ease or remove onerous regulations, requirements, or burdens and will oppose proposals that contribute negatively to the business climate.
5. Support & Promote Global Commerce
We support and promote free and fair trade in a global economy.
Businesses need a level playing field to compete in the global economy. Since 96% of the world’s consumers – accounting for 67% of global purchasing power – live outside the United States, the Chamber supports trade agreements that give businesses the same access to international markets as their competitors so they can compete in today’s complex world markets.
6. Investment in Technology & Innovation
We support and promote incentives for investing in research, development, and technology.
We support incentives for investment in research, infrastructure investment, development, and advancement of technology that will help businesses grow.