November is a month about Giving Thanks and expressing gratitude.  I want to make sure to truly say thank you to all of you for prioritizing purchasing from our local businesses.

Now more than ever, our local businesses need you.

They need you as customers, as reviewers, and as curbside patrons.

This month, let’s all show our businesses how grateful we are to them by shopping local, ordering take-out, giving to the Naperville Helps! campaign, and supporting our area not-for-profit organizations.

Shop Local!

Consider supporting local this holiday season.  Many of our local businesses offer online storefronts and will do curbside pick-up.

According to American Express’ Small Business Economic Impact Study – consumers’ local impact during the important holiday shopping season is significant, because an average of two-thirds of every dollar ($0.67) spent at small businesses in the U.S. stays in the local community. 

Every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional 50 cents in local business activity as a result of employee spending and businesses purchasing local goods and services.

Order Take-Out!

Our restaurants continue to need our help to survive the new mitigations and cold months ahead. Continue to support them by ordering take-out, curbside pick-up, or delivery.

Give to Naperville Helps!

Together with the Downtown Naperville Alliance, the NACC is raising money to buy meals from local restaurants to deliver to Edward Hospital healthcare workers through our Naperville Helps! campaign. This helps our restaurant’s bottom line and is a win-win-win for our community.  Donate to the Naperville Helps! gofund me page here: 

Support our Not-For-Profit Members

Join us on our social media channels each day in November as we highlight some amazing Not-For-Profit organizations within the Chamber that are doing critical work for our community.  Please support them – however you can – and, commend them for the fine work they do to serve our needs! 

As Always, Express Gratitude.

Express your thanks to our community.  We have the best community around, and I know you are all so generous. Whether supporting a Not-For-Profit organization, shopping local, or ordering-out – let’s continue to say “thank you” through our patronage and support.

Business Forward,


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