Is there such thing as ‘too much’ of a good thing? When it comes to leads and referrals, the answer is an irrefutable ‘NO’!
Leads; we all get them, we all want more of them! For some Members, lead-sharing and referrals are the top reasons to join the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce (NACC). Sharing leads not only promotes connectivity and goodwill amongst Chamber Members but also generates revenue and brand awareness for your business. Where it pertains to leads; sharing is caring! This month, let’s take some time to highlight how the NACC promotes a culture of lead-sharing and the various referral options available to you, our valuable Members!
The first aspect of lead-sharing within the NACC that comes to mind is putting our “Proud Member of the NACC” logo to use. When linked to our website, the NACC logo makes your business more searchable online and draws consumers to your business in a credible way. Reach out to Director of Membership, Sarah Catarozzoli Andrusyna ( for more details on how to add our logo and link to your website.
Another lead-sharing Chamber platform is TEAMs. An acronym that stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More,” TEAMs are a premier way to share leads and referrals with fellow Chamber Members. The purpose of a TEAM is to generate leads, network, and form personal and business relationships. When you are on a TEAM, you do not just get to know your TEAMmates, but you get to know their contacts as well. By allowing only one business category per TEAMs group, and requiring regular attendance, TEAMs are essentially business connection multipliers. There is an additional charge for TEAMs, and further information may be obtained by speaking with TEAMs & Programs Manager, Linda Whitaker (
In addition to lead-sharing on TEAMs, the NACC is excited to offer networking events aplenty! Members are enthusiastically reconvening in person and attendance has been incredible at events so far this year. Programs and events such as Business After Hours, Business Power Hour, and our Lunch with a Leader series offer the opportunity to mingle and chat with other Members, discuss business referrals, and simply get to know one another. Ribbon Cuttings are another way to chat with fellow NACC Members and support a new business in the Naperville community. By referencing our Chamber Calendar, Members may view and/or sign up for any number of future events.
The Chamber also facilitates lead-sharing for your business in the form of advertising. We offer Chambertisement e-Blasts, banner ads, Calendar ads, and Leaderboard ads, to name a few. Follow this link to learn more and secure those leads via advertising.
Whether you secure an ad with us, join TEAMs, attend a networking event or utilize our NACC Member logo, the NACC is helping you to ‘take the lead’ to move your Business Forward!