We are just a moment away from November – a month focused on giving thanks and I am thankful for many things. One, in particular, is how thankful I am to be a part of such a wonderful and giving business community. You may have noticed our Not-For-Profit awareness campaign on our social media channels throughout November with each day featuring a different NFP. How fortunate are we to have more than 100 Not-For-Profit Members as part of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce. I am so proud we could promote the great work they are doing in our community.
In the NFP world, the “ask” is often talked about; as in, “what are NFPs asking businesses to do to support them?” Yes, sponsoring events and donating money is critical to help fund an NFP’s mission. However, there are many ways to give that don’t involve money. The expression I’ve used often when asked this question is to consider giving your time, talents, or treasures. Our business community is a very generous one – consider offering your time, talent or treasures this #GivingTuesday.
Volunteering is a great way to get to know a specific organization. This gives you hands-on experience with an organization and allows you to be on the “front-lines” of their mission.
Many NFPs are looking for people to share their talents and expertise. There are many ways you can share your talents, one is to help populate their board of directors. What an honorable way to utilize your expertise as well as help advance an NFPs mission.
Money is important for NFPs as it helps keep the lights on, the staff trained and it helps fund the work to achieve the mission.
We always ask you to #ShopChamber, but this year I am asking you to #GiveChamber as well. On Tuesday, December 3 #GivingTuesday – we will post a link to all 100+ Not-For-Profit Members of the Chamber on our social media channels. Go explore and find a cause that connects with you. Consider giving back in whichever way you feel comfortable to help those helping others. We are all thankful for the great work the NFPs do to help our community, and the great businesses and community members who support them.
Until next time, #BusinessFoward.
– Kaylin