Walking through Downtown Naperville I counted 12 “We’re Hiring” signs, and I did not walk the whole district. “We’re hiring” signs and job postings are prominently featured in storefronts and websites across our area right now and it isn’t just retail and restaurants, nearly every sector seems to be hiring.
The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce is here to help you fill your hiring needs. Make sure to check out these resources as employers and job seekers.
Looking to Hire?
POST for FREE on NACC Career Hub. This is a place where NACC Members can post their job openings for FREE: https://members.naperville.net/jobs Need help posting? Email our Director of Membership at sarah@naperville.net
Connect with other Members: Share your best hiring tips in our private Members-Only Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NACCmembers/
Looking for a Local Position?
Are you looking for a job? I spoke with some industry experts on the best interviewing tips and tricks for when you’re in the job market. Watch the full episode here:
Look for FREE on the NACC Career Hub. Community members can look for local job opportunities that exist posted by Chamber Members for FREE at: https://members.naperville.net/jobs
The pandemic has changed many aspects of our hiring process, and our business world as a whole.
Our NACC Board Chair, Christina Caton Kitchel, hosted this month’s Inside the Chamber and facilitated a conversation on post-pandemic operations strategies for retail and restaurant businesses success. Watch the full episode here:
Our NACC Workforce Alliance Committee is actively working to connect businesses with job seekers. This is just the beginning of a renewed effort to help you find new talent to build your team and continue your business’ success.
Together we can help move your Business Forward,