
Government Affairs Blog

Update on Federal Vaccine Mandate

Spoiler Alert… It’s Complicated! The federal vaccine mandate has been met with many roadblocks which put employers in a major dilemma on how to proceed.  Here is what we know at this time (12/1/2021): In early October, President Biden issued a vaccine mandate which required all federal workers and businesses who have federal contracts toContinue reading

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| Government Affairs Blog

OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards for the federal vaccine mandate

The OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) for the federal vaccine mandate were released on November 5th. Under these new regulations, employers who have one hundred or more employees are required to do the following: Create a Written Policy on Vaccines for OSHA Review. The two choices in this policy per the ETS are to requireContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Second Chance Employees Resources

Takeaways from the Second Chance Employees Webinar on Oct. 19 We have had an overwhelming response to our webinar hosted on Oct. 19 where we explored hiring workers with a criminal record and/or formally incarcerated individuals re-entering the community. Here are some general takeaways from the event and links to the resources presented. JOB TRAININGContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

October Government Affairs Report

Workforce Development Webinar: Exploring Second Chance Employees to Meet Workforce Needs To address the workforce shortages of our Chamber Members, Business Works is hosting a complimentary webinar on second chance employees (those with a past criminal record).  Topics will include discussion of area programs in which members can tap to create a pipeline of theseContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Important Government Affairs Updates

Illinois Back to Business B2B Grant Opens You should have received an announcement from us earlier that the Governor’s Office Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) has announced a $250 million Back to Business (B2B) grant program.  It opened Wednesday, August 18th and closes October 11th.  We encourage all Members to get their applicationsContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Takeaways from Employer Guidance on Vaccine Requirements in the Workplace

The NACC’s Business Works presented a webinar on June 15th to unpack the complexities of employer’s navigation of how to set policies regarding vaccines in the workplace. Some key takeaways: It is legal for employers to require employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine.  However, many factors go into making vaccines mandatory including the impact onContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Legislative Update

Springfield Session Ends After late night sessions over the Memorial Day weekend, the 2021 General Assembly ended its session (sort of) on Monday, Monday, May 31.  The Senate reconvened Tuesday, June 1 at 11:00 and there is talk of the House reconvening at some point in the coming weeks.  I will be discussing in detailContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

How can Biometric Information Impact your Business?

Biometrics are physical or behavioral human characteristics that can be used to digitally identify a person to grant access to systems, devices, or data. Biometric information can come in an array of technologies including facial or fingerprint recognition, voice scans, and more.  Employers have used fingerprint technology recognition for employee shift check-in/out, access to facility spaces, andContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Key Initiatives to Support Our Business Recovery

The NACC is intent on determining the needs of our business community as we are emerging from the gripes of COVID-19 pandemic and the financial aftermath that will follow.  It has been a bit of a kaleidoscope to accurately assess your needs with numerous changes in re-opening mitigations, fluctuations in the availability of grants andContinue reading

| Government Affairs Blog

Springfield Updates

The Illinois General Assembly is in full swing with over 6,700 bills being introduced over the last several weeks. I have identified some key pieces of legislation that is on the NACC Business Works Committee radar taht could potentially impact our Chamber Members.  9% Prejudgment Interest Bill  | HB 3360  This bill would require payment of prejudgment interest (at a rate of 9% a year) in civil cases, including medical malpracticeContinue reading