
President’s Corner

Get Engaged & Try Something New

In the past months, we have worked to responsibly ramp up in-person events so as to give Members new and greater opportunities to engage one another. In many of the events that I have attended, I’ve been welcomed by friendly and familiar faces, but I’ve also been very happy to see a set of freshContinue reading

Latest News

| President's Corner

Be Intentional with your Relationships

While all of us have our careers, our businesses, or our roles within our organization, we’re all truly in the same business – the business of relationships. Customers, clients, referral partners, and business partners all want to do business with someone they know, like, and trust. But, it’s a chicken and egg scenario. Which cameContinue reading

| President's Corner

We Are Hiring

Walking through Downtown Naperville I counted 12 “We’re Hiring” signs, and I did not walk the whole district. “We’re hiring” signs and job postings are prominently featured in storefronts and websites across our area right now and it isn’t just retail and restaurants, nearly every sector seems to be hiring.   The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce isContinue reading

| President's Corner

The State of our City is HYBRID

I am thrilled to announce both virtual and in-person offerings for our annual State of the City signature event. This event, in partnership with Mayor Chirico and the City of Naperville, is one you won’t want to miss. You can join us virtually from your office, your home, or on the go. You can alsoContinue reading

| President's Corner

What You Do Makes a Difference

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. William James I would like to formally announce the Inaugural NACC Volunteer Week, which will take place during National Volunteer Week April 18 – 24th. I am challenging each of you to volunteer in some way. The NACC is working to make this goalContinue reading

| President's Corner

April Vote Election Forums

It’s hard to believe that election season is upon us again. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 6 for our local municipal elections. Local elections are incredibly important for many reasons. These local elections impact our taxes, our schools, and our business community.  In order to be prepared for the municipal election in April, weContinue reading

| President's Corner

Impacting through Committees

The NACC is working to really live true to our new Impact Statement, “Moving Business Forward towards an engaged, thriving community by being Your Advocate and Your Resource for Our Community.” One way we aim to be your resource is to provide our Members with quality programming relevant to their needs. We have many specificContinue reading

| President's Corner

Welcome to 2021!

The New Year is often a catalyst for us all to examine what we are doing and how we can work to make ourselves improve. One word I use is “intentional”. I work hard to be intentional in WHAT I do as well as WHY I do it. I want to challenge each of you to be intentional in all youContinue reading

| President's Corner

Spread Some Holiday Cheer & Shop Local, Shop Chamber

I simply cannot reiterate enough, please be intentional with your holiday shopping and Shop Local and Shop Chamber this year. Our businesses need your support now more than ever. Did you know many of our local shops offer curbside pick-up? Some shops have virtual appointments so they can utilize technology to take you shopping throughContinue reading

| President's Corner


November is a month about Giving Thanks and expressing gratitude.  I want to make sure to truly say thank you to all of you for prioritizing purchasing from our local businesses. Now more than ever, our local businesses need you. They need you as customers, as reviewers, and as curbside patrons. This month, let’s allContinue reading