What is your brand? Or stated another way, what are you known for?
These are questions recently posed to our team at an Illinois Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives workshop. It made me think about how the Chamber is perceived and whether our value is known inside the business community and to our members.
I’ve heard from both Members and businesses, “I can’t engage with the Chamber because I don’t have time to attend events.” This is the perfect opportunity to clarify and highlight a few things we try very hard to make a part of our regular brand messaging. While we are known for offering incredible professional development programs and a host of ways to network or connect, the NACC is much more than events you must attend to find value in membership.
In fact, our main goal is to be the first call you make when challenges face your business or opportunities arise for you to promote your business or organization. This idea is something we truly embody throughout our Chamber – so much so that it became our mission:
to move Business Forward towards an engaged, thriving community by being Your Advocate and Your Resource for Our Community.
While attending our monthly programs or events can help meet some of your business needs and they indeed have value, we have worked hard to make our BRAND inside the community recognized as being MORE than events – we are Your Advocate and Your Resource.
We offer resources right at your fingertips; some simple measures that offer your business exposure, others in the form of access to leaders in advocacy – local, state, and federal legislators. Our committees are able to provide resources through programming, general business insights, mentoring, and individual professional enrichment. We connect our business community to the resources we have through lasting meaningful relationships and partnerships we’ve created with business-minded organizations.
When you think about the NACC, it’s possible you only know what you once saw or heard. So let me point you to all the ways you can see, feel and hear what the NACC does to bring our BRAND to life and further our signature “Business Forward” momentum.
Your Advocate
- Sign up to stay informed of our advocacy work through our Government Affairs Quarterly Update E-Newsletter
- Get the direct contact information for Federal, State & local Legislators
- Connect with community leaders like our Board of Directors
- Join our Business Works Advocacy committee
- Speak directly to our Director of Government Affairs, Beth Goncher
Your Network
We offer 12 Committees inside the Chamber. They operate as extensions of the NACC – bringing valuable programs, events & resources to our Members and the community. Search to learn more about each committee – then join!
- Learn more about the Women In Business Network & sign-up for the Women In Business Quarterly E-Newsletter
- Learn more about the Young Professionals Network & join the email list for the Young Professionals Network Monthly E-Newsletter
Your Resource
- We are a 5-Star Accredited Chamber with ample resources, contacts, and support from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Connect with our partners: Naperville Development Partnership, Will County Economic Development, Downtown Naperville Alliance, Choose DuPage, the City of Naperville, SCORE Fox Valley, Naperville Convention & Visitors Bureau, Innovation DuPage
- We tell you all you need to know that could impact your business from a city, state, and federal level through our Government Affairs Blog
- Hear monthly from the Chamber’s President & CEO in the President’s Corner
- Stay connected to all matters for membership and what’s happening inside the chamber through NACC News & Resources
- Find a career path, a new meaningful job, part-time or seasonal employment opportunities, and internships through our Career Hub
- Find speaking talent directly from vetted speaking professionals inside our Chamber through the NACC Speakers Bureau
Your Chamber
- Personalized Member Info Hub allows all Members to update anything at any time – without staff support! Upload your business logo, business description, contact information – and – search and connect with other NACC Members all inside
- Post & find jobs on the Career Hub
- Post & view community events on the Community Calendar
- Post & take advantage of exclusive Member-to-Member Offers
- Post & receive Special Offers & Discounts
- Post your business press releases or announcements in Member News
- View our interactive online Business Directory where your logo, address, website & social channels are all featured
- Join & post inside our private Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Members Facebook Group
- Follow us on social for all NACC-related information, tips for business success, Member promotion & more (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
- Business listing(s) with address & website in our annual printed publication the Business & Community Resource Guide
- Proud Member NACC logo window decal for your business or organization
The NACC is your partner in business – it’s OUR BRAND – what we want to be known for. I hope you see and can now feel the value of everything we work tirelessly to provide.
Business Forward,