Shop Small Business Saturday & Shop Chamber

The holidays are just around the corner and we have officially entered the holiday crunch time.  Whether you are buying gifts for your loved ones this year or just donating to a great cause, I want to remind you of the importance this year to Shop Small Business Saturday on November 28th.  We all know how convenient it is to order all your gifts from a big box store and have them show up at your doorstep, but to some small businesses, your purchases could mean the world to them.

How can you help?

Shop In-Store 

Shop in-store at your local stores that are not big-box retailers.  If you don’t feel comfortable shopping in-store,  many have moved to a curbside pick-up of your favorite gifts and goodies.  If you need some recommendations for certain items please don’t hesitate to reach out. We can refer you where to go – or – view our directory here and shop from your favorite Chamber Members.

Not Buying Gifts this Year?  

Consider making a donation to our Naperville Helps! campaign.  All donations go to purchasing food from our local restaurants to supply meals to healthcare workers at Edward-Elmhurst Hospital in Naperville.  These generous donations help two-fold; they help our restaurants that are unable to financially benefit from indoor dining, as well as our front line workers that are working hard to keep our community members healthy.  You can donate to our Naperville Helps! campaign here.

Every little bit helps a small business in need. 

Let’s keep all of our small businesses open through the holidays this year! 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can assist in any way –

(Please note my name change – beautiful things have happened in 2020 despite all the change and uncertainty!)

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