

Networking at the Chamber

I will be honest, when I first started at the NACC I was terrified of networking. While I am very outgoing in a small group or one on one environment, there was just something about walking into a room of 75-100 people I didn’t know that made my heart race and my palms sweat. AllContinue reading

Latest News

Love, Leaps & Success

As we leap into February, we gain an extra day. One extra day which can help set your goals on fire, allow you to close that next big deal, or finish that lingering project.We have an extra day – maybe it’s the day you use to build your success and spread some love in February. With the Chamber inContinue reading

Smiling cafe owners behind counter

Welcome to a New Year & New Decade

2020 is here, and oh is it going to be ROARING!We just wrapped our annual Gala, The Roaring 20Twenties on Friday, January 10th and it was wonderful to see so many Members and friends celebrate the start of the new year at the Chamber with such fervor and fun.  The energy at the Gala wasContinue reading

Gala room

3 Common Reasons Organizations Join the NACC

Happy New Year! With the new year comes many new Members that will be making the commitment to grow their businesses through the many outlets the Chamber provides. When meeting with all the different organizations that are thinking of joining the Chamber, I come across three main reasons: to grow my business, to develop myselfContinue reading

We Invest in Advocacy

Indulge me while I boast a bit about the NACC’s investment in advocacy for our Members.  Our staff works in concert with an engaged Business Works Committee (formerly Legislative Committee) who carefully examine key legislation on our radar and create action plans to influence policy to support business growth for our Members.  One example, a key pieceContinue reading

It’s Time to Give

Not only is the work of a Not-for-Profit (NFP) critically important to under-served causes, their struggle to be finically viable is also very real when working on-behalf of a PURPOSE over a profit.  We featured just a couple handfuls of amazing NFPs and the work they are doing for our community in November – and, weContinue reading

Presenting in Calamos

Time, Talents, or Treasures

We are just a moment away from November – a month focused on giving thanks and I am thankful for many things. One, in particular, is how thankful I am to be a part of such a wonderful and giving business community. You may have noticed our Not-For-Profit awareness campaign on our social media channelsContinue reading

Diverse businesspeople raising hands during meeting or conference

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Can Help Regional Business

The United States, Mexico, and Canada are close to reaching an agreement to rebalance and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into a 21st century, high-standard trade deal. The goal is for the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to better serve the interests of American workers and businesses and support mutually beneficial trade leading toContinue reading

Hat’s Off to Chairman’s Circle Member BP, America’s for Environmental Investment with Worldwide Impact

Indulge me a bit more as I continue my discussion from the last issue of The Current on the great Energy/Climate/Sustainability initiatives in which our Chamber Members are leading the way.Last week, BP announced a $25M investment in Illinois at their R&D hub in… Naperville! They will be piloting an enhanced recycling technology that enables currently un-recyclable plasticContinue reading

Thank You for the Warm Welcome

I wanted to extend my sincerest thank you to all of those who have reached out with kind words welcoming me to the position and the chamber. I believe gratitude is extremely important, not just in life, but in business as well. A thank you – said in person, sent by email, or sent inContinue reading

Kaylin working