Have you ever wondered how you could announce to the community – in a fun-filled yet official way — that you are open and ready for business? We, at the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce, can assist you – by setting up a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
Ribbon Cuttings are said to have started as a matrimonial tradition in 19th century France. A bride and groom cut a single ribbon before heading down the aisle, as a symbol of their commitment to overcoming obstacles together. This practice has morphed into the ceremony that we offer today to our community’s business Members.
Ribbon Cuttings offer the chance to meet local leaders, community influencers, Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Members, and Ambassadors as a business is welcomed into our vibrant community. We promote Ribbon Cuttings on social media and invite the public to join in the celebration, too. These events are a tremendous way to mingle with and support fellow Member businesses while showing your commitment to the success of the community.
Ribbon Cuttings are not just for new businesses, however. Whether celebrating something like a Grand Opening, a move to a new location, or becoming a recent Member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce, a Ribbon Cutting celebrates these significant business milestones for Members.
Traditionally, Ribbon Cuttings are hosted Wednesday – Thursday from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Once the date is decided, the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce staff works with Naperville City Officials, the Chamber President or Chairman of the Board, or another dignitary to officiate the Ribbon Cutting ceremony. (Please note: that we cannot guarantee the attendance of the Mayor at the NACC Ribbon Cuttings, it is only a request). The ceremony is then promoted to Chamber Ambassadors, TEAMs Members, Chamber Board, Chamber Staff, and on all of the NACC communication channels, such as the NACC Calendar, email, social media feeds, and importantly, by word of mouth to encourage attendance.
On the day of the ceremony, the Chamber staff will show up early to help you stage the photo options, as well as provide the “official” (i.e. gigantic) scissors and NACC ribbon for the cutting ceremony. We aim to live-stream all Ribbon Cuttings on Facebook Live, as an additional promotion. After the ribbon is cut, the officials briefly speak, and the business owners may make up to 5 minutes of remarks as well. Then, tours are given and/or networking takes place, typically with lots of laughter and joy, and often times with sips and bites as well.
Photos that are taken during the Ribbon Cuttings are posted to the NACC social media feeds, and a press release is shared with local media also. If you are curious about hosting a Ribbon Cutting, we would love to assist in showing our community’s support of your business. Please contact Contact Suzie Pschirrer, NACC Executive Member Engagement Coordinator at 630.544.3378 to book your ceremony.